What do I need to know before raising a cat?

  1. Signs of anger and potential aggression: When a cat arches its back, raises its tail straight up, and emits a low growl, it is showing signs of anger and is a precursor to an attack. The low growl serves as a warning, and if the distance is not maintained, the cat may consider you as a target for attack.
  2. Mouth wide open, whiskers trembling, accompanied by eerie howling: This is a warning signal indicating danger. Cats have three times the hearing ability of humans and an olfactory sense that is over 200,000 to 270,000 times more sensitive than ours. They can detect abnormalities more keenly than humans. According to real investigations, cats exhibit excessive excitement or restlessness as a peculiar reaction several weeks or months before an earthquake occurs, which serves as a life-saving signal.
  3. Contraction of pupils, along with increased tail wagging: This phenomenon often occurs during play with cats and can result in numerous scratches from their claws.

You can tell if you have a good relationship with your cat based on the following.

  1. When you are out of the cat’s sight, it will voluntarily follow you.
  2. If you remain motionless for a long time, the cat will find a spot closer to you to sleep.
  3. Late at night, the cat will secretly jump onto your bed and sleep at either the head or foot, quietly leaving at dawn.
  4. When stroking the cat, you can clearly hear its purring, indicating a pleasant mood and a good connection. If the cat exposes its belly to let you stroke it, it is a clear sign of trust.
  5. If you suddenly turn around, you will find that the cat has been secretly watching you. This is because, after familiarity and trust are established, cats naturally want to be closer to their owners.

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