
Pet Sitting Service

Accommodation’s sorted, flights are booked and you’ve started to pack – but what about the pets?

That’s where we can help! We love all pets (and holidays too), and we like to make sure you have one less thing to worry about.

Our team members are happy, professional, reliable and trustworthy. We’re all police-checked and fully insured, and we all love animals.

We’ll make sure your cats (or other pets) are fed their usual meals, given lots of playtime, cuddles, chin scratches and brushes. We’ll play hidey with them, or sit on the couch with them and snuggle ‘til they’re purring contently. That’s always the best part!

We’ll also make sure they have fresh water, clean litter, treats in toys or hiding spots, hot water bottles made and their beds are all comfy – or anything else you’d normally do for them. If you need plants watered, mail brought in, bins taken out or lights turned on we can do that too – it’s all part of the peace of mind service.

Dog Walking Service

Life is busy, and it can be so hard to find time for yourself, let alone time for walking the dog. It’s hard not to feel guilty when you work long hours and the dog stays home all day. Especially when you know how much they love their walks, or trips to the dog park. Don’t stress, we’re here to help you so that you have one less job to do each day, and you’ll get peace of mind knowing your dog is getting the daily exercise they need so they’re happy and content for when you get home.


Mitchelton QLD, Australia


0410 490 503

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