Can Dogs eat Apples? What are the pros and cons?

Dogs have always been human’s best friend, and many dog lovers keep more than one cute dog. When taking care of dogs in their daily lives, we should pay attention to many details, especially their food. Many people wonder if dogs can eat apples. Actually, not only apples, dogs can eat some fruits, but it should be in moderation.

Every time you eat fruit, your dog will be eagerly waiting beside you, making you unable to resist feeding it. However, it is important to note that not all fruits are suitable for dogs to eat, so you should be careful before feeding them.

Actually, dogs don’t need to supplement vitamins because they are carnivorous animals. Dogs and humans are different. Dogs can convert the eaten meat into vitamins by themselves, so there is no need to deliberately feed them. Therefore, if you give your dog fruit just to supplement Vitamin C, it is not necessary.

Can Dogs eat apples?

However, there is a situation where dogs can eat apples that are rich in dietary fibre, such as when they have constipation or poor appetite. Fibre and water in fruits can enhance gastrointestinal function, and the cool and sweet taste of fruit can give dogs a good mouthfeel.

There are some fruits that dogs can eat, such as bananas, which can help dogs’ intestinal peristalsis. If a dog is constipated or has diarrhoea, it can eat bananas. Apples can detoxify, but should not be eaten in excess.

Dogs can also eat avocados, which can ensure their fur remains shiny. It can be eaten if the dog has an allergic reaction. Watermelon can supplement water, but dogs should not eat too much, or they will keep running to the toilet. Oranges and grapefruits are rich in Vitamin C, can supplement energy, and help digestion. Constipated dogs can eat them, but it is not recommended to eat too much.

Precautions and avoid the seeds and cores

When giving dogs apples, there are some precautions that we should know to prevent any problems. Do not feed dogs fruit seeds or cores because dogs cannot digest them, which is not good for their health.

When feeding your beloved dog apples, remember not to give them too much at once. Giving a dog a lot of apples at once is very likely to cause diarrhoea, no matter which fruit it is. Also, dry fruits should be eaten sparingly. Peanuts and chestnuts may taste good, but they are easy to chew and can cause problems for dogs.

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