House & Pet Sitting Jobs in Melbourne

Create your FREE pet sitter profile today to get access to more local house and pet sitting jobs

Why become a pet sitter?

Flexibility puts you in control

  • Set your own schedule
  • Set your own prices
  • Offer any combination of pet care services
  • Decide on size, age, and other pet preferences that work for you

How it works

Absolutely FREE. Say goodbye to Commissions fees!

  • Create your profile
  • Tell us the types of pets you want to care for
  • Wait for pet owner to contact you via phone or email
  • You don’t have to go through us which means you don’t need to pay for any commission fee

Melbourne pet sitters are in great demand.

More people are looking for pet sitters throughout the year. There are also additional services you can consider to offer to earn more. 

  • Boarding – Care for a dog or cat overnight in your home. Sitters who offer boarding can make up to 2x more than sitters who don’t.
  • Pet Walking – Pick up dog walks that fit your schedule.
  • Pet Day Care –  Ideal for work-from-home dog lovers.
  • House Sitting, Drop-In Visits – Stay with or check up on pets in their own homes.

Start finding pet sitting jobs once your profile is approved

Sign up today to enjoy FREE featured listing!

Set your own rate

You can decide how much you want to charge.

It’s entirely up to you!

Where can I offer my pet sitting service?​​

You can decide how much you want to charge, and it’s entirely up to you. You can offer your pet sitting services in any state or suburb.

  •  Brisbane
  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • Adelaide
  • Perth

Run a successful pet sitting business in Melbourne

  • You will need strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Be willing to work outdoors regardless of the weather.
  • Understanding of dogs is essential
  • Be patient
  • You are accountable for the safety of your client’s pet, and looking after another person’s pet carries a high level of responsibility
  • Maintain focus and be alert for any potential problems, avoiding any harm or injury to the pet 
For more information, visit

Set up your pet sitting business​

To start a dog walking business, there are a number of things you should consider before launching your business. 

Why become a pet sitter?​