How do dogs apologise to their owners?

Why do dogs exhibit these behaviours as a form of “apology”? Many dog owners are not aware of it.

Dogs are often lively and mischievous, which makes them prone to making mistakes or causing trouble. Most dogs will receive reprimands and training from their owners.

You may not know that dogs are capable of apologising and admitting their mistakes voluntarily!

How do dogs apologise to their owners?

Nose licking:

When dogs are scolded or corrected by their owners, we often notice that they lick their noses from time to time. Don’t underestimate this behaviour; it actually reveals their inner thoughts. Nose licking is a sign of nervousness and guilt in dogs. They realise that they have made a mistake and that their owners are angry, so they lick their noses out of guilt.


Yawning in dogs serves a significant purpose and is not necessarily a sign of sleepiness. When we catch dogs in the act of misbehaviour and reprimand them, they may suddenly yawn to relieve the awkward atmosphere. It is also a sign of guilt, as they intentionally show weakness by yawning, attempting to ease the tension between themselves and their owners.

Drooping ears:

After making a mistake, many dogs will lower their ears and lower their heads, obediently listening to their owners’ reprimands. This behaviour indicates that the dog is aware of its wrongdoing and feels guilty. It willingly admits its mistake and patiently accepts criticism from its owner.

Exposing their belly:

During a scolding session, some dogs may lie down in front of their owners and expose their bellies. Exposing the belly is a sign of submission and obedience in dogs. At this moment, the dog is apologising to its owner and seeking forgiveness. If the dog has thick skin, it may even get up and nudge its owner with its head, trying to act cute and seek mercy.

Extending a paw for reconciliation:

In human apologies, there is a gesture of shaking hands to reconcile, and this behaviour can also be observed in some intelligent dogs. When their owners reprimand them, they may extend their paws to shake hands with their owners as a gesture of reconciliation. Even some dogs that have been trained to shake hands will use this gesture for reconciliation. In their understanding, once they extend their paw, the owner will hold it, be in a good mood, and praise them.

Offering gifts:

Among the various ways dogs apologise and admit their mistakes, there is a rare behaviour of bringing objects as a form of apology. It could be their beloved toy, a favourite treat, or something they consider valuable. Offering gifts to the owner when the relationship is tense is indeed a practical approach to seeking reconciliation!

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