Why does my cat go in the bathtub?

Sometimes you are trying to find where your cat is, you checked the closets, top of the fridge but you just can’t find her. If that’s the case you might want to check the bathroom as your cat might be enjoying her time in the bathtub.

Cats like go toward sources of water

Although there is no real answer to the question why does your cat love the bathtub so much, some experts believe cats just like go toward sources of water like ponds and puddles. As your cat goes in the bathtub a lot, you need to ensure you clean your bathtub regularly, and if you should use natural cleaners.

Cats like small and enclosed space

Some people believe cats feel happy when they are in a small and enclosed space, hence they love spending their time in boxes. Bathtub can serve the same purpose for some cats where they feel safe and can observe what’s going on in the bathroom.

They just like to be around you

Often your cat just want to hang out with you. They may small your scent and they will even follow you to the bathroom. They may jump in the bathtub to observe you!


Sometimes it could be the temperature, especially in summer bathtub offers your cat a cool surface to nap.

When to worry?

Most of the time finding your cat in the bathtub is nothing to be concerned about. Although if your cat hates water but they suddenly showing up in the bathtub that might be a sign of dementia which means it might be the time for a vet appointment.