Best Tips for Taking Care of Your Cat

Ever since that adorable little cat stole your heart, it has become a member of your family. You love it to bits, but remember: taking good care of it is a significant responsibility.

To care for it properly, you should maintain a detailed medical record for it. This will help remind you when to administer vaccines, when to check fecal samples, and when special seasonal activities are needed, such as grooming appointments.

As your cat ages, parasites become a common concern. Ticks, fleas, heartworms, and intestinal worms are the main culprits. However, with control plans and medical assistance, your little cat can be protected from these parasites. Your veterinarian has medications to prevent these parasites from infecting your cat and to eliminate any existing ones.

To keep your cat healthy and happy, here are a few things you should do to take care of it:

Tick Control Several topical and oral medications are available to prevent and treat tick infestations. If you find a tick, carefully remove it using tweezers or a tick removal tool.

Flea Control

Preventing fleas is much easier than dealing with an existing flea infestation. Both topical and oral medications are highly effective and safe for minimizing flea issues in cats. Some monthly-use products now make flea treatment easier than ever before. If fleas become widespread, strict treatment of your pet and your entire environment – home and yard – is necessary.

Heartworm Prevention

While heartworm is more common in dogs, it’s also a potentially fatal parasite in cats. For cats at risk of infection, monthly oral prevention is strongly recommended based on geographic location and lifestyle. This medication is typically initiated when the cat is 4-6 months old. Since mosquitoes transmit heartworm, the risk of infection in cats increases during warmer months.

Intestinal Parasites

Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms are common intestinal parasites. Most veterinarians recommend deworming all kittens, as many are born with roundworms. After the initial deworming, additional deworming may be needed. As your cat matures, annual fecal evaluations are recommended. Early treatment can reduce the chance of serious illness. Monthly medications are available to prevent the development of these parasites. Additionally, even if your cat is on preventive medication, I recommend annual fecal evaluations.


In addition to parasite control, preventive measures against infectious diseases are recommended. Several vaccines can reduce your cat’s risk of certain illnesses, including upper respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, feline leukemia, and rabies. Kitten vaccines are typically started at 6-8 weeks of age, given every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks old. Kittens at higher risk include those that spend time outdoors or live in multi-cat households. Additionally, rabies vaccination is typically administered at 3-4 months of age and requires a booster one year later.


Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining your cat’s health, especially for kittens. Providing adequate calories is essential during your kitten’s growth to avoid nutritional diseases or developmental issues. When feeding kittens, offer a diet that is nutritionally rich.


Start grooming your kitten’s fur as soon as possible. This will help it become accustomed to grooming and bathing. Some long-haired cats may benefit from regular grooming or trimming. Make sure to remove mats and tangles during the coat’s development period. Long-haired cats should be groomed daily. Additionally, weekly grooming for short-haired cats is beneficial.

Outdoor Adventures

While keeping your cat indoors is the safest option, some people allow their cats periodic outdoor access. If you want your cat to spend some time outside, make sure to supervise it. It will need help learning how to find its way home and how to stay safe. Car trauma, exposure to infectious diseases, and animal attacks are primary hazards of outdoor activity. You can use a harness and leash to take your cat outdoors, or you can build a safe outdoor enclosure for your cat to enjoy nature while avoiding these risks.

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