How to Train a Dog’s Obedience – Dog Training Guide

Dog training can be divided into many levels and purposes. Some pet owners only need their dogs to understand commands and follow rules in their daily lives, while others train their dogs to participate in competitions, which requires more specialised knowledge. Regardless of the type of training, it is dependent on the dog’s “obedience.”

So, how do you train a dog’s obedience?

  1. Training Tools

Choose the best (most suitable) tools and learn how to use them correctly. Effective obedience training does not require too many tools, but there are some basic props that are essential, such as a comfortable collar and leash.

  1. Training Plan

Before starting the training, choose a training method that is most suitable for your dog. Most dog trainers recommend positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats. Another common training method is clicker training, which involves using conditional reinforcement.

  1. Training Process

Success is not easy, and each training session should last 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. This is especially important for puppies, as their attention spans are short. Long training sessions can make dogs lose interest and become bored. Welcome to communicate: WeChat Public Account “Daily Dog Training.”

Training should be gradual, starting with basic commands. Usually, the “sit” command is the easiest to teach. Then, you can train your dog to “lie down” and “stay.” In addition, train your dog to come when called. These are the most basic commands. Once your dog has mastered them, you can begin more interesting and advanced training.

  1. Troubleshooting

Obedience training takes time, and dogs will inevitably encounter setbacks on this path. Therefore, be prepared for some behavioural problems that your dog may exhibit, such as resistance and aggression. The best way to correct your dog’s incorrect behaviour is to interrupt it and redirect its attention to positive things.

  1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the key to success. Do not punish your dog or become angry, as this will only confuse your dog. During training, try to keep your dog’s attention with treats and enthusiasm, and end the training promptly when your dog becomes bored or tired. Patience and continuous training will definitely yield results.

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