How long does Puppy Stage Last – Which Stage is your Dog at

Dog’s growth is similar to that of humans, with various stages. Today, let’s share with you the several stages of a dog’s life, and see which stage your dog is currently in.

A dog’s life has six stages

  1. Prenatal period (from pregnancy to birth)

Different from the human’s ten-month pregnancy, dogs’ pregnancy period is much shorter due to the influence of their ancestors’ living environment and genes. After all, dogs’ lifespan is also much shorter than humans. Generally, a dog’s pregnancy period is around two months, about 58-65 days, with an average of 60 days.

  1. Lactation period (first three months after birth)

The lactation period for puppies refers to the period from birth (when their eyes open, around 14-16 days after birth) to weaning (around 45-60 days after birth). After the puppies open their eyes, their mother’s milk is not sufficient to meet their increasing needs, so they should be supplemented with food.

At this time, the puppies’ body functions have not fully developed, especially their gastrointestinal function. Remember not to feed them cow’s milk, which can cause lactose intolerance. It is best to choose special milk powder for dogs. When the puppies are around two months old, they can be fed with high-protein puppy food, soaked in water, or mixed with milk. They should be fed three to four times a day, with smaller meals.

  1. Puppyhood (3-6 months)How long does Puppy Stage Last

Puppies start to become lively, but their bones are not yet fully developed, so it is best to avoid vigorous exercise. At five months old, puppies will become wary of unknown objects or sounds. This is when they start to change their teeth. You can buy some calcium supplements or chew toys for them, and give them some training and education, as they may start to chew or bite things randomly.

  1. First estrus period

Starting from six months old, dogs enter their first estrus period. The estrus period for female dogs usually lasts for 11-13 days, and they go into heat twice a year. Male dogs also go into heat twice a year, but if there is a female dog in heat nearby, they may also go into heat. When male dogs are in heat, they can become very aggressive, so it is best to keep them on a leash and prevent them from running around.

Female dogs will have a small amount of bleeding during estrus, which is normal. Owners do not need to worry too much. If they are worried about making a mess at home, they can put a diaper on the dog. If owners do not want their dogs to have reproductive risks, they can consider neutering the dog during its puppyhood.

  1. Adult Dog Period (1-6 years old)

During this period, your dog’s personality will undergo significant changes. They will not be as playful as before and will become mature and stable. They will excel in all aspects of family life and even help people with their tasks. It’s very heartwarming!

During this period, you should switch your dog’s food to adult dog food, and you can increase the amount of food you feed them a little. You should choose nutritious and healthy dog food to ensure their diet is healthy. Also, at this time, your dog will require more exercise, so you should take them out more often to enhance their physical resistance and help them live longer.

Your dog’s life has six stages. Until now, which stage is your dog in?

  1. Senior Dog Period (7 years old and above)

During this period, your dog’s body functions will slowly decline, and it will be susceptible to age-related diseases such as diabetes, weakened liver and kidney function, and bone and joint diseases. As a pet owner, you should pay attention to your dog’s health. First of all, exercise should not be neglected. Secondly, it’s best to feed them natural food that contains calcium, protein, and probiotics, which can supplement nutrition and promote digestion and absorption.

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